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Sweet and Joyful Harmonies of Ladysmith Black Mambazo!

2 Mar


28 Mar


Hot tub and chill? 😅🤗 I looooooooove relaxing after a tough workout in the jacuzzi while sipping on my @1stphorm apple juice BCAA cocktail 🍹🍏 It helps me feel recovered quicker and I like knowing that I can help to grow and keep my muscles with one little scoop 🤓🙃 No brainer. 💪🏽 #1stphorm #musclerecovery #hottubandchill

A post shared by lindsey (@lindseypelas) on Mar 27, 2017 at 5:43pm PDT

It’s not so much….

23 Mar

It’s not so much the music that’s important, as what you’re saying. But the music has to be good for people to listen to the words. – ALI FARKA TOURÉ

Screen shot 2015-03-22 at 5.20.40 PM



22 Aug


Stone Was Rolled Away/Ain’t No Living Among The Dead

1 Apr

Stone was rolled away.

Happy Easter everyone!

H.I.R. 🙂

“You gotta believe in something.

You gotta believe in something or you will be a rhythmless void.

So here’s a toast to my God and all y’all who play the yard:

May your word be born and may you find…

That the Lord may not come when you call, but He’s ALWAYS on time.”


Repost: “Nearly 50 People Murdered in Chicago and No One Gives a *&%^$”

19 Feb


“There was a time when people were shocked if someone got shot. Now people just ask, ‘Did they die?’ Desensitization of the violence has sadly become the norm.” 

Chicago Violence

2012 in review

3 Jan

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry about 250 passengers. This blog was viewed about 1,400 times in 2012. If it were a Dreamliner, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

The Innkeeper

26 Dec

Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂

Here’s a short vid about the innkeeper from this great Christmas story. Never really gave him much thought before. At best, his role appears quite minimal from the outset. But when examined a little bit closer, we can find an example set by him that we can all take and learn from… and strive to apply in our own relationships with Emmanuel!

“While there may not be anything directly written about the innkeeper in scripture, he played one of the most important roles in the birth of Christ. If it had not been for his willingness to give Mary and Joseph all he had, there likely would not have been a place for Mary to give birth to Jesus.

Sure, a stable was not the most ideal of places, but it was all the innkeeper had to give. We should model the innkeeper’s response in the way we respond to Christ. When Christ knocks on our heart, our first response should be to invite Him in and give Him all we have. Even if our hearts are not perfect rooms for Him to live in, Christ does not care. He loves us and desires us no matter what.

Don’t ever feel like you don’t have anything to offer Christ because of your past. Just give Him whatever you have just as the innkeeper did. Listen to the words of the innkeeper today as he shares about the small, but pivotal role he played in bringing Christ into the world and changing the rhythm of our hearts for all eternity.”

Note To Self

3 Dec

Note to self: buy/get/read this book sometime 🙂



24 Jul
WHY?! Who’s to blame? Will it ever make sense?
(-asked in songs by both Will Smith & P.O.D.)

The recent and tragic shootings of both Aurora & Toronto brought me back to these two songs by P.O.D. and Will Smith. It’s sad to be reminded how the world never ceases to be a cold place whenever we wish to forget about it. In some ways it seems that evil and/or terror has already won (or accomplished its goal) if we realize we can never let our guards down anymore. The next generation of children in this world might never remember a time when they did not have to go through security or check their bags at the door at any kind of public setting or gathering. It’s really astounding, albeit bothersome, how one person can affect or ruin the way everyone else has to live their lives from there on out.


Who’s to blame for the lives that tragedies claim?
No matter what you say
It don’t take away the pain

That I feel inside, I’m tired of all the lies
Don’t nobody know why
It’s the blind leading the blind

I guess that’s the way the story goes
Will it ever make sense?
Somebody’s got to know

There’s got to be more to life than this
There’s got to be more to everything
I thought exists



I really wish I could explain it baby


Its just the world is kind of crazy baby


Ain’t no pretty way to paint it baby

Don’t cry. Dry your eyes