Archive | December, 2011

A Rule for Wild Predators

18 Dec

I must admit I do enjoy watching the shows on NatGeo Wild, but if there’s one thing that really gets under my skin, and a rule i wish i could instill into the mindset of all lions, cheetahs, leopards and hyenas out there, it would be…..”STOP KILLING YOUR COMPETITION’S OFFSPRING!!!” Yes, I know you’re supposed to be wild and ruthless and savage, but seriously why do you see the need to eliminate a defenseless little young cub that you perceive to be a threat, but in reality has done nothing wrong and poses no real harm to you grown adults? I’m not saying you guys need to be friends with your rival predators, but please what’s the need to kill a little one? I feel bad that you cats aren’t able to realize the declining population of your (and your competition’s) species. Sadly, instead of sticking together, you’re adding to the decline even more by your natural instinctive actions. I just wish such an atrocious behavior WAS NOT one of the traits you wild carnivores carried in your gene pool 😦 That’s all.